Many men are dissatisfied with the size of their penis and therefore look for ways to enlarge it. Now you can find a lot of information about various methods and means of penis enlargement, but not all of them can be trusted.
There are also traditional methods that have been used for a long time, but not all of them are effective. The issue of penis enlargement at home should be approached thoroughly, because using untested methods you can not only fail to enlarge your organ, but also cause serious harm to the body.
Herbs for penis enlargement
Since ancient times, herbs have been used to treat, restore the body and prevent various diseases. The effectiveness of many herbs has actually been proven. Therefore, if you are interested in penis enlargement using folk remedies, this method is worth considering.
The action of herbs is aimed at improving blood circulation in the genital organ. The enlargement effect is achieved precisely through improved blood circulation, and the organ itself remains the same size in a calm state.
Of the most effective herbs, the following should be highlighted:
- Ginkgo biloba – this ingredient is often contained in special creams; it can improve blood circulation and at the same time relax the muscles in the erectile tissue;
- Ginseng – improves potency, helps prolong sexual intercourse, prevents premature ejaculation;
- Thyme – stimulates the natural production of testosterone, and this hormone is "responsible" for the size of the penis; this herb can also help with premature ejaculation;
- Peruvian maca is a powerful aphrodisiac, increases potency and prolongs the time of sexual intercourse.
These are not all herbs for increasing potency in men, but it is unlikely that with their help you can really enlarge your penis. Before engaging in herbal medicine, you should definitely consult a doctor, as some herbal teas and decoctions have contraindications and can have a negative effect on the body.
If you are interested in penis enlargement using folk methods, you can try making infusions from herbal decoctions:
Tinctures | How to use |
Infusion based on Ginko Biloba | Can be purchased at the pharmacy and taken 10-15 drops twice before meals. If you believe the reviews, sexual performance improves, the penis enlarges due to increased blood circulation |
Lungwort infusion | Use two to three times daily |
Thyme tea | This is an herb for increasing testosterone levels; it is recommended to drink this tea no more than twice a day. Thyme oil is also effective - rub it directly into the genitals. |
And a few more remedies - tincture of garlic and ginseng, radish and chamomile juice, and it is recommended not to drink the juices, but rather rub them into the affected area. To increase testosterone levels in men, it is recommended to drink herbal teas along with honey. It is necessary to add the sweet remedy to warm, not hot tea, otherwise it will lose all its properties.
You will not notice any particular increase in the size of the sexual organ (we are not talking about 5-10 cm here), but sexual energy and power should definitely increase. Drinking tea and herbal teas only has a temporary effect that has nothing to do with any actual size change. Yes, if you regularly use such decoctions and infusions, you can improve your sex life, but constancy is important.
Penis enlargement with bees and bee products
Folk methods of penis enlargement are very diverse. There is one thing known that causes real confusion for many - the increase in bees.
It is worth noting that the poison of bees (namely bees, not wasps! ) has special properties.
When the bites are specifically focused on the reproductive organ, it increases blood flow and helps restore an erection.
The poison thins the blood and dilates blood vessels, but a large number of bites can have fatal consequences, so this method of penis enlargement should be approached carefully if you decide to do it. Before using apitherapy, you should consult a doctor.
It should be noted that this technique can only be used if there is no allergy to bee venom.
To do this, you should do a simple test: catch an insect, put it on your hand and press it down a little so that it bites. Assess your condition after a while. If there is no allergy, you can try it.
The core of the technology is quite simple. It is necessary to catch the bees, put them one by one in a bag and also place the penis there. Wait for the bite. After that, it is necessary to remove the stinger and massage the penis to evenly distribute the poison.
Bee stings are quite painful, so you should think carefully before using such folk recipes.

Other methods
Bee products, especially honey, are often used to enlarge the penis. The common technique is penis enlargement with honey. This product really contains a lot of vitamins and microelements that are beneficial for the male body. This is a unique, absolutely natural aphrodisiac and therefore should be included in the diet of the stronger sex. It is worth noting that only real honey can help, and not artificial honey made from sugar.
Recipes with honey:
- Mix a spoonful of honey with chopped nuts and consume it before bed.
- Mix chopped walnuts and hazelnuts with rosehip powder and Rosea radiola, add garlic and honey, mix, store in the refrigerator, consume one teaspoon per day.
Such recipes do not enlarge the penis, but rather promote blood circulation and expand the blood vessels.
You can prepare a paste for massage with honey; To do this, the beekeeping product should be mixed with sodium bicarbonate.
Ineffective and dangerous techniques
On the Internet you can find a method of penis enlargement using Vaseline. This is not only ineffective but also a very dangerous method. Its essence is that Vaseline is injected under the skin. Such a unique, homemade "plasticity". Vaseline causes inflammation; after administration, scars and fibrosis can form, and the organ is deformed. This is really dangerous and all unpleasant consequences can only be eliminated by surgery.
There is also a lot of information about diets and nutrition for weight gain. The information has no basis in evidence.
Many men think that the penis can be stretched and attach weights of different weights to it. This is also very dangerous and, above all, absolutely useless. Hanging a load only causes pain, and it can also lead to impaired sexual function and potency problems. You should not believe the various advertised devices that promise to stretch or pump up the penis. This is nothing more than a publicity stunt.
Of course, every man decides for himself whether or not to use various penis enlargement methods in his practice. It is important to simply understand one simple fact: a grown man cannot actually increase his height by a few inches; with the help of herbs, honey and other recipes you can only improve potency and strengthen male health.
Bees with their miraculous poison will not lengthen the penis, but some believe in this, try it themselves without consulting a doctor, thereby causing themselves irreparable harm. Be wise, if you want to try some methods and recipes yourself, consult your doctor and choose only safe methods!